Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ode to Club Med

I'm hanging at the Club Med... Sure, it's a developer conference (99% guys) but still, i'm in the south of France hanging at the CLUB MED! Sure, it's raining and flooding, but it's CLUB MED!! Sure, i left my window open the first night and got 12 mosquito bits on my forehead, but it's CLUB MED!! Sure, i left my toothpaste at home and just chewed gum for 3 days, but who cares - there are no women, the weather sucks and i look like a freakin leper!

Hummm.... not exactly the Club Med experience i had in mind.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Hmmm, I can't seem to muster up much sympathy!- Your Wife

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Club Med, frak. Try Anchorage. It's 39 friggen degrees and gray as an accountant's soul here.

    Don't make me ask my Homeland Security friend to put you on the no-fly list.
