Monday, October 03, 2005

Location: Internet Terminal Bangkok

I think it's time to start drinking. This next flight is going to be brutal. 11 hours to Milan, Italy. I still need to find a hotel in Milan, but i think i'll wait till i land before beginning my search. This last-minute type of behavior will only confirm jana's hunch - I'm crazy. This trip is proof.

My beers of the world tour:
1. Seattle -> San Fran -> Hong Kong -> Singapore
2. Singapore -> Bangkok -> Hong Kong -> Taiwan
3. Taiwan -> Hong Kong
4. Hong Kong -> Bangkok -> Milan, Italy
5. Milan -> Amsterdam
Take a week off... then...
6. Amsterdam -> Milan -> Nice
7. Nice -> Paris? -> Amsterdam?

And what do i have to show for it? What type of heirlooms did i purchase on this trip? Well... i bought a nice watch (swiss-army fake) in HK. I hope it lasts more than a week.

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