Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I guess dancing was a bit much

Going in for back surgery. Finally.
Originally uploaded by B-TownMom

The past seven days have been a blur of pain meds and naps... it started at Elsa's wedding last weekend...

Saturday, Dancing at the wedding:
My ruptured disc was finally feeling better... I should have spent the entire night siting in an ergonomic chair relaxing - but no - after a few drinks i was square dancing with Jana. At times it felt like slam dancing... we immediately agreed to take some form of dance lessons, cause "dancing shouldn't hurt".

Ohhhh but it did...

Sunday: soooo sore.

Monday: A dead-spot appeared on my left bum, about the size of a quarter.

Tuesday: Flew to San Francisco and back for business meetings. Popping pain pills - pain shooting down my leg.

Wednesday: Left bum is numb, numbness going down leg and into foot. Doctor orders a late night MRI.

Thursday: MRI worse than before. A quarter sized chunk of disc is crushing the nerve - operation a must. Doctor starts operation at 8pm - takes longer than expected.

Friday: Discharged from hospital at noon.

And who knows what day it is now... :-) The last few days have been a blur. I've been taking pain pills, getting lots of rest and working when awake... that's all for now... time for bed!

1 comment:

  1. did you say Square Dancing? As in alamand left and do-si-do? Glad your feeling a bit bitter!Robin
