Wednesday, February 18, 2009

5 best lunch places in Pike Place Market under $5

5 best lunch places in Pike Place Market under $5
Originally uploaded by Andy Kleitsch

Two stalls down from the addictive doughnut stand is the best NY Deli
in the market. Huge servings of meat, fresh rye bread and 100% new
york slang.

This place was always a favorite of mine, but a bit expensive. But
now, they've launched a Recession Lunch Special and the NY Deli now
offers the best lunch in the market under $5. Hands down. The best.

Toasted ham and cheese (ham stacked high) with all the trimmings
$2.99. A cup of homemade split pea with ham, sausage and other great
chunks of meat $1.50. Total price $4.80 (including tax). Sooo damn good.

This is my first post regarding "5 best lunch places in Pike Place
Market under $5". More reviews to come.


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    1) Humbow at Mee Sum Pastry.

    2) Two plain slices of pizza at Delaurenti (or one deluxe slice)

    3) Giant muffin at Cinnamon Works

    4) A burrito at La Vaca

    5) Free grazing at Beecher's cheese curds bowl and then getting free fruit samples at the stalls.

    Go a half a buck over and get a bowl of chowder at Pike Place Chowder

  2. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I second the Humbow! You can get a shrip wedge too for under $4. Don't forget the Pizza Bagels at 3 girls Bakery.

